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North Bothell Little League

NBLL Team Volunteer Positions & Descriptions
"In Little League®, everyone has a position to play and it’s the more than one million dedicated volunteers who help make the Little League experience so memorable in communities all over the world."

For the Spring Little League season, a Volunteer OPT OUT fee of $100 will be applied at registration checkout if a parent or guardian does not sign up to volunteer when registering their player(s) for the season.  If at least one parent or guardian signs up to volunteer during the registration process, the fee will be waived. 

All NBLL Volunteers  will need to register and complete a volunteer application which will initiate a Background Check Link to be emailed to the volunteer within 24hrs.  Please do not ignore the background check email and complete asap.

All Coach Volunteers will need to complete the
Little League Diamond Leader Training. 
Coaches will only need to do this training one time. 

All Volunteers, including Coach Volunteers, will need to complete the
Little League Abuse Awareness Training each season.

Training Certificates are required to be emailed to [email protected]

Managers, Coaches & Umpires (Jr. Umpires too) 
(those interested please register for the specific position)

Manager –
Head Coach, who is responsible for matters of team strategy on the field and team leadership.  Reports to the NBLL Coordinator for your level of play.

Coach –
Assistant to the Manager, assist in the smooth functioning of the team.

Umpire -
1) Home Plate Umpire is in charge of the entire game.  This umpire calls balls and strikes, calls fair balls, foul balls short of first/third base, and makes most calls concerning the batter or concerning baserunners near home plate. 
2) Base Umpire - will make most calls concerning runners on the bases and nearby plays, as well as in the middle of the outfield.  Reports to the NBLL Umpire-in-Chief.

Fundraiser Day Volunteer - 
Volunteer for shift at an events/booths at our Annual NBLL Fundraiser Day at NAF in May.

Team Staff (those interested in Stepping up to the Plate to support your team, register to be part of the Team Staff)

Scorekeeper -
A person who keeps the score of the game via score book (pencil/paper) or Game Changer.  NO Scorekeepers needed at Tee Ball or  ‘A’ divisions BUT it is a great opportunity to learn.

Practice Parent Helper-
Help out at practice, run a station, assist coaches in organizing  players, assist with any other task where the Coaches need it

Safety –
Responsible, along with the Manger, to maintain safety during practices and games.  Reports any major or minor injuries/incidents to the NBLL Safety Officer.  Minor incidents reported by a simple email and Major incidents will require documentation on a NBLL incident form.  Minor incident defined as any injury that resulted in use of the first aid kit.  Major incident defined as an injury that results in a 911 call, a parent transport to hospital/clinic, missed field time due to injury.

Dugout Parent - 
Assist in managing the players in the dugout.  Managing the batting order prepared by the coaches and assisting players in knowing what defensive positions they will be playing next. 

Picture Day –
Assists in handing out picture forms on picture day.  Assists with any paperwork in preparation for team/individual photos.  And assists in lining up players (usually from tallest to shortest) in preparation for team and individual photos. 

Fundraiser Day –
In charge of collecting team fundraiser money to be handed in on Fundraiser Day in an orderly fashion.  Lead the team in creating a team basket to be auctioned off.  Responsible for gathering volunteers from the team to work at a volunteer station at Fundraiser Day.  Reports to the NBLL Fundraiser Coordinator.

Mariner/Husky Day –
In charge of collecting and turning in money for Mariner/Husky Day Tickets to the NBLL Board Member focal person and then distributing the tickets when they come in. 

Snacks/Drinks –
Coordinate team snacks for game days.

Field Maintenance –
Assist in setting up the field for game days, bases, pitcher’s mound, fences/cones, ect.  Reports to the NBLL Field Maintenance Coordinator and alerts of any missing or needed equipment. 

Team Party –
Assist in the coordination of the end of season party for the team & families.

Clean-up –
Assist in making sure that the practice and game fields are cleaned up of garbage and items left behind by players and fans.

North Bothell Little League

PO Box 1305 
Bothell, Washington 98041
Phone : 425-985-5536
Email : [email protected]
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